30 April 2021

Coffee break

In Paris, many are still working from home, so when the inevitable pause-café rolls around it's time to head out to the new office water cooler: nearby café / restaurant counters temporarily set up for take-away coffee (and more).
Above: a coffee drinker makes his way to join others on a bench

28 April 2021

Salad season

As the weather gets warmer simple salades composées with accompaniments make satisfying meals.

 Above: two salads w/planche of Saint-Nectaire cheese, Iberico saucisson; garlic croûtons on the side

26 April 2021

French toasting

 With bars, cafés, and restaurants still closed the tendance for small gatherings to meet for apéros at private homes more than ever before continues.

24 April 2021

Days of books and roses

Yesterday was the Feast of Saint Georges in France, celebrated as a Valentine's Day in (south of the border) Catalonia as La Diada de Sant Jordi, "The Day of the Book and the Rose."

23 April 2021

Standing watch


A statue of Sainte Geneviève stands guard at what was once the edge of the city. To her right, windows of starred restaurant La Tour d"Argent overlook Notre-Dame Cathedral and Île de la Cité beyond.

22 April 2021

The baker's bike

A local boulanger's motorcycle parked where he can keep an eye on it as he finishes up for the day.

20 April 2021

Still home

So far café/restaurant terraces and some museums are scheduled to re-open 15 May.
  - En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil, et en mai, reste enfermé? -

Old French saying, w/a personal twist

17 April 2021

Street disco

 An impromptu disco streams dance music into a square from an upper floor balcony.

16 April 2021



During this latest confinement businesses deemed essentiels included chocolate shops, cordonneries, bookstores, bakeries, hairdressers, tabacs (?) and absolutely, florists.

14 April 2021

8 April 2021

Stravinsky lips

Close-up of lips by artist Niki de Saint Phalle, Stravinsky Fountain, Beaubourg Center.

7 April 2021

Un bol de café

Traditional French breakfast coffee bols bide their time on shelves waiting for the day this café-boulangerie will re-open.
24 rue des Abbesses 75018

6 April 2021

A touch of nature

Conceived by Stéphane Cachelin chapotelets are placed on already existing posts adding a touch of nature and art to Paris streets.


"Un nouveau rôle aux potelets qui jalonnent nos rues" ("A new role for the posts that line our streets")

5 April 2021

Easter lamb


This gigot d'agneau, roasted to juicy perfection and served with its traditional flageolets, elicited oohs / ahs as it was placed on the table.

Below: starter of foie gras de canard w/chutney de figues maison

 "Faire cuire pendant 1h à 1h30 selon la taille de la bête" ("Let cook for 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes depending on the size of the beast")
Merci Christophe

4 April 2021

Easter eggs

Fresh eggs are displayed in nests made of straw at the Bastille market.
 Joyeuses Pâques / Happy Easter 2021


2 April 2021

Your eggs await

Today's post is a flashback to the days when cafés were ready for customers on almost every block.

Above: extra large eggs, croissants, coffee and fresh orange juice set out at a café near the Bastille

1 April 2021

Once upon a vine


With over a hundred fifty years of life left in it, a landmark wisteria vine in a hidden corner that shaded over a century of terrace diners was tragically damaged during renovations, and removed.

Below: in its former glory

 (click to enlarge)