31 May 2021

Mother's Day Monday

 Yesterday was Mother's Day in France.
Maison Lardeux
63 rue Caulaincourt 75018

26 May 2021

24 May 2021

Martini Monday

Italy in a glass:

Exquisite home-made Tiramisu Martini using French chocolate.
Merci Tom C.

22 May 2021

Eiffel teeter


Master of trompe l'oeil photographer street artist JR strikes again, this time making the Eiffel Tower appear to teeter perilously over a deep ravine. As with his installation at the Pyramide du Louvre, the viewer has to stand in just the right spot so the foreground and tower line up.

 Place du Trocadéro
  Ends June 17, 2021

20 May 2021

Almost normal


All over Paris there was a festive mood as terrace dining re-opened yesterday. It was a breath of fresh air. Like so many, we'd made reservations far in advance at one of our favorite local cafés, and as our party of four made its way to our table familiar faces sans masks lifted glasses in recognition, all of us delighted to see each other again - and in good health. With each departure, the terrace turned into a whirl of well-wishers stopping at tables to chat. And it felt almost normal. - BPJ

19 May 2021

A clientèle

How one café has been making do until customers are allowed inside again.

18 May 2021

Getting ready

 Tomorrow, some* restrictions that have been put in place will be lifted.

Above: a café prepares to open its terrace, but to half of its usual capacity


* May 19, 2021 will herald in a number of changes:

- new evening curfew: 9 p.m. instead of 7 p.m.

- café and restaurant terraces: 50% of capacity, tables of 6 people maximum

- shops, covered markets: 8 m² per customer

- museums: 8 m² per visitor

- cinemas, party venues, marquees: 35% of workforce w/up to 800 people per room allowed

- teleworking maintained

- gatherings of more than 10 people prohibited in public areas, except guided tours

- libraries: every other seat

- outdoor zoos: 50% of workforce

- places of worship, weddings or PACS (ceremonies): 1 location in 3, staggered between each row

- funeral ceremonies: 50 people maximum

- higher education: 50% of workforce

- casinos: 35% of workforce

- outdoor sports activities: 10 people, contactless only

 For more information visit French gov't website

17 May 2021

15 May 2021

A French tea


Teatime in France, as in England, is around 4 p.m., and a perfect way to share a pre-curfew afternoon.

12 May 2021

11 May 2021

A relais

In its pre-Covid heyday this Montmartre fixture known for its giant salads was always full.

10 May 2021

Macaron Monday

Tea and (Pierre Hermé) macarons, on Mother's Day.
- Happy Mother's Day U.S.A. - 
Mother's Day 2021 in France: Sunday May 30th

8 May 2021

Paris on lockdown

With seemingly endless on/off lockdowns and curfews soon to be lifted - and there's even talk of masks not being mandatory by end of summer - optimism fills the air.

7 May 2021

Flashback Friday

Sporting red bérets a small tour group waits for others to arrive before starting off.

6 May 2021

Cheese culture

 In France, sometimes the moldier the cheese rind, the better.

Above: Brin d'Amour from Corsica made by shepherds from the milk of Lacaune ewes

4 May 2021


 The ever-changing street art of Montmartre local Gregos, who uses his own face.

3 May 2021

Shop stop

 Walking the dog she stops in front of a kids' boutique to take a call.