29 July 2021

Qui est Raoul?

J'vais lui montrer qui c'est Raoul! - "I'm going to show him who Raoul is!"
Les Tontons Flingueurs (1963)

28 July 2021

Six of one

A half dozen hard-boiled eggs huddle around a lone salt shaker on a café counter.

27 July 2021

Sitting pretty


A vintage car sits outside a boulangerie while its owner nips in for croissants.

 Traversée de Paris en voitures anciennes
held Sunday, July 25, 2021

24 July 2021


 The large black and white tags seen on taxis, buses and in subways in fashion capitals are for English fashion designer Alexander McQueen, who passed away in 2010.

“This is not a new logo or a capsule" notes the house, just a graphic that will be seen in coming seasons.

 Above: on the wall of a Paris métro station

23 July 2021

22 July 2021

Throwback Thursday

On dit a heat wave is due today and tomorrow, but compared to the Moroccan desert Paris' periodic canicules are (almost) heaven!

Above: camels chill on hot sand


Morocco: 3 hours (or less) from Paris

(road trip - adventure)


21 July 2021

19 July 2021

17 July 2021

Le Tricolore


Into the weekend with a shot of planes over the Pyramide du Louvre on Bastille Day, July 14.

16 July 2021

Falafel Friday

Gigantic falafel sandwiches on rue des Rosiers in the old Jewish Quarter.

 (most take-away food shops closed Saturdays) 

 - Merci RL for permission to use your hand -

15 July 2021

Le 14 juillet


Planes flew overhead all day as Paris celebrated Bastille Day yesterday.

12 July 2021

Through the grapevines

 The grapes of Montmartre's vine-covered hillside are nearly ready for the annual récolte.

9 July 2021

Flashback Friday

Today's flashback is to Cadaqués, Spain, just south of the French border, circa mid-80s - days of celebrations, couch squatters, droppers-in, gallery openings, seaside horchata and feasting - that we will always call home.

 Above: large watercolors of mommy's helper ❤️ Danielle❤️ on our terrace at sunset overlooking crescent bay and village (the artist was a young Australian en passant, hence the kangaroos - if she spots these I hope she contacts me!)


8 July 2021


There's a saint for almost everything in France and this pastry, Saint Honoré, named for a 6th century bishop from Amiens who became the patron of bakers, is a quasi religious experience.

6 July 2021

Baking bad

Paris' boulangeries work round the clock, in good times and bad, turning out an essential part of French life.

3 July 2021

1 July 2021

Throwback Thursday

 Today's throwback is to last month's road trip.
Above: a small caravan by a river turns out large galettes using organic ingredients; lacy buckwheat crêpe w/smoked trout, red onion, cucumber, melted gruyère and pumpkin seeds

(click photos to enlarge)