Some good reasons to get out of bed.
Below: more good reasons
The French Bastards
Boulangerie-Pâtisserie artisan
60 rue de Sèvres 75007
Ten years ago today - could it be? - I posted my very first photo on, a photo blog created and launched with professional photographer, former colleague and dear friend Wilf James. The blog’s kickoff photo had been the day before, January 28, a fantastic black and white photograph that Wilf had taken of tourists leaning over to gawk at the Eiffel Tower. From then on it was just me and my smart phone camera, and today, with over 3,000 posted photos and visitors from all over the world dropping in every day, what started as a photography experiment has turned into a part-time art project that has led to many wonderful experiences.Yet as many photos as I've posted - whether of food, fashion, travel, street scenes, cafés, architecture or Parisian lifestyle as favorite subjects - I know I've only scratched the surface. Paris is a city full of surprises, and I can be sure there will always be something new, perhaps around the next corner. It’s been great fun and I’ve met some incredible people - I could not possibly list them all here - and everything I’ve covered was always with an eye for what strikes me, details from wherever I happen to be, of places and corners that make Paris well, Paris. This seems to have kept the interest of the blog’s many visitors as well, and I hope will continue to do so. - BPJ