31 July 2015

Art couture

This jewelry boutique bills itself as a gallery, and from the artistic and exquisite pieces on display within, it is.

30 July 2015

In her thoughts

The reflection of a man on a gallery window superimposed on a portrait of twin sisters makes it appear as if one of them is thinking about him. From his posture, he may be thinking of her too.

29 July 2015

Un-loved locks

Gone are the Love Locks from the Pont des Arts that became too weighty for safety and had to be removed. A tourist tradition, couples attach a padlock to a railing then throw the key into the river to "seal" their romance.

28 July 2015

Vins et terroirs

In France, to every wine (and to every dish) its region, or terroir. This rustic restaurant on an ancient street shares an address with equally rustic Hotel St André des Arts next door.

25 July 2015

Matcha man

Boris Lumé, artisan boulanger-pâtissier at Julia Child's favorite stop in "Julie & Julia," adds his touch to Paris' specialty éclair trend. 

Above center: a low-in-sugar high-in-antioxydants matcha green tea delicacy

24 July 2015


All of Paris was once a labyrinth of narrow lanes winding between half-timbered buildings like this one.

23 July 2015

Pretty in pink

A pink bicycle is propped up outside a café on a sun-dappled dirt mound on this July afternoon.

22 July 2015

Fountain lion

A stone sculpture of a lion atop the cascading waters of the Saint-Sulpice fountain.

21 July 2015

Curse of the Templars

A small plaque beneath the Pont Neuf marks the spot where Jacques de Molay, Grand Master and last of the Knights Templar, was burned at the stake in 1314. As he went up in flames he cursed the then Pope and King of France and all his descendants.

20 July 2015

A casual lunch

Café Les Deux Magots, still one of the best spots in Paris for a casual lunch with a unique old Paris atmosphere. Inside, photos of Hemingway, Picasso, Simone de Beauvoir and other luminaries hang above tables where they regularly connived.

19 July 2015

Moonlight plumber

A chipped painting of a woman taking a bath decorates the window of a small plumbing repair shop. The plumber, who moonlights as an artist, burns the midnight oil.

16 July 2015

A midsummer night's dress

Stride into any garden party wearing this and watch heads turn.

17 / 19 avenue Montaigne 75008

15 July 2015

Summer in the city


No matter how high temperatures climb in the city center, it's slightly cooler up in Montmartre.

Above: ice-cold citronnade made w/fresh lemon, ginger, and honey

14 July 2015

Sparkling waters

 Evian, Vichy, Perrier... Just three brands of French water of many recognized the world over.

13 July 2015

Pont Neuf on a cloudy day

The Pont Neuf, Paris' oldest bridge - whose name ironically means "new bridge" - quietly holds its own on an overcast Monday afternoon.

11 July 2015

Inside the Plaza #2

The Plaza Athénée was abuzz all during Paris fashion week, which ended yesterday.

A breakfast of coffee, fresh juices and gourmet "cupcakes" was rounded off by a platter loaded with buttery viennoiseries, and then more butter was brought to the table.

With many thanks to D & B....

10 July 2015

"I think, therefore I am"

René Descartes (1596-1650), considered The Father of Modern Philosophy, is entombed in a wall here.

Once part of a Benedictine abbey dating to the 5th century A.D., l'Église Saint-Germain-des-Prés now stands alone, and is known as the oldest church in Paris.

8 July 2015

Guarding le shop

It used to be almost impossible to enter a Paris tabac or café without having to sidestep a large German Shepherd blocking the entrance. Now, small dogs like this one, peer from many a shop doorway.

7 July 2015

6 July 2015

Get your goat

French cheeses have their own season and now is the time to look for raw milk farm fromages de chèvre (goat's milk cheeses) in cheese shops and markets.

4 July 2015

Inside the Plaza

Recently my day began with friends staying at the Plaza Athénée, hotel of choice of many a celebrity, European royal, and for fashion week. Though I'd been here for press events and afternoon tea I'd forgotten how exquisite it is.

Above: a table set for two

Below: a cozy alcove set for our party of four overlooks the courtyard; partial view of spacious interior garden courtyard


2 July 2015

Dress-ing up: July sales

Summer soirées are here and so are the July soldes, with bargains to be found until August 4.
Above: a small dress shop in the Haut Marais

1 July 2015

What heat?

As Paris temperatures soar icy cocktails are de rigueur come evening.